welcoming words...

Assalaamu'alaikum w.b.t ....Selamat Datang... :) Welcome to my blog... it' really nice to have blog, so that I can write out what i think and share it with you all. in this life, there will be many obstacles and musibah yang akan menimpa kita.. kita x leh lari akan hakikat ini.. saban hari I try to think, bagaimanakah aku ingin meletakkan diriku supaya sesuai dengan semua keadaan.. Setelah lama berfikir, akhirnya puzzles ini semakin bercantum... semakin banyak puzzles dijumpai semakin senang rase meneruskan hidup ini.. gambaran semakin jelas.. namun kebimbangan lain menimpa dan semakin menghimpit... it's ok bcoz kebimbangan itu ade ubatnyer cume tiada kesudahan selagi bergelar insan... maybe sometime you will find it's difficult to understand my words... but I really mean it.. Semoga Blog ini membantu kehidupan kalian.. Wallahu a'lam dan selamat membace.. ;)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My Turning Point of LiFe.... 13th JuLy 2010... 1 Sya'ban...

This was my Last day of BeST programme in TESDEC when all Groups were needed to present their Biotech project plan... Unfortunately... this day become so tragic and still haunting me till now....
This day started with smile 'peace' of two fingers.... but ended with eye tears....

 She's name was Nor Hayati binti Isa.. I called her Yati... She was so fond to tease me... 'Terkulat-kulat" ...my 1st day in TESDEC was fulled with laughter. What make me always think of her is... she's the one that always watched my back.... Luckily we have the same way of thinking... ;)

 The same brand of motorcycle with me.. she's was white+blue and mine is black+yellow... we always went home together after finished our lectures in the evening...  TAP 6153 & TAX 9647.... TAP was crushed by sand lorry that day...

this is the place of her grave... Kg. Pasir Tinggi or Kg. Pantai Ali... That day the sky suddenly became cloudy and I saw a few birds flying high in the sky... As soon as we finished... the rain started... 

This is the only photo come to my mind when i'm thinking of her.... but her words are always 'lingering' in my mind till now....


Actually my name wasn't listed in the 10 candidates for the training in Korea... actually this place was 'hers'... ALLAH 'took' her and replaced her with me... the day of graduation in TESDEC was the day when I knew that I was chosen to replace her.... This Life is so full of Mysteries....

1 comment:

  1. subhanallah..unto God do we belong,and verily, unto God we shall return~
